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Thursday 22 September 2011

Amber Rose RESPONDS to the criticism from Ghanaians

Amber Rose recently released a blog entry about the inequalities of women in the entertainment industry. She has recently received a lot of backlash about her visit to Africa. She couldn't be any more right about the topic and she has  many people who are supporting her as she advocates for the empowerment of women.

U do something positive in this industry u get scrutinized I really came to the conclusion that its not even about me its the fact that I'm a woman. Men in the entertainment industry are praised constantly for their " wrong doings". if ur a drug dealer and u took care of ur family before ur fame everyone understands. If u get shot in the mist of u hustling ur cool as fuck. If a mans naked pics hit the internet ppl think its cute or funny then just talk about how big he is. A Man can date 20 models at the same time and he is respected by the world and if a girl does it she's a disgusting whore and a "Star Fucker" Women get destroyed by the media and our peers constantly but I am writing this to specifically speak about myslf. Regardless of the fact I dated Kanye for 2 years or the fact I was a stripper at 15 years old or that my most private pics were stolen from me and a new batch hit the internet every week, I am a human being. I'm a daughter, a best friend, a great wife and a all around good person. i never speak negatively about anyone. Have I? NO. U think i don't want to? I course I do I'm human. But I keep my life positive and I stay strong every time my ex talks about me in his songs or when these blogs tell nothing but lies about me or when ppl say that I shouldn't be speaking to young girls in Africa. Why wouldn't I speak to those girls? I AM West African just like them, I grew up poor just like them, most of those girls quit school to take care of their families JUST LIKE I DID. So how the hell do they not relate to my life and I theirs??? Talking to those young girls wasn't a job for me feeding those kids wasn't a job for me it wasn't for publicity and I didn't get paid to do it. I went there cuz I LOVE to help ppl. I DON'T want a pat on the back for shit that I do from my heart or even a thank u it was my blessing to go out to Ghana it is a second home for me now and it changed my life FOREVER! So don't criticize me and say why is Kanye's ex stripper Girlfriend in Africa I am so much more then that smh there is a reason why he loved me so much and theres a reason why Wiz loves me so much now did u ever think maybe I'm just a sweet person? Every girl reading this has an ex boyfriend and every guy reading this is most likely dating a girl that has been with more then 1 guy. So what have I done to everyone? Its it because u think I am undeserving of this life because of my past? Or is it pure hatred? If I was a man and dated 2 female artist would that be ok? Thats not as bad right? Bullshit. And the one thing that is extremely upsetting is the fact that woman criticize me more then men do. Look at yourselves before u criticize someone u don't know Look at the mistakes you've made in ur life. ppl are so negative it's ridiculous But I will continue to be positive, Loving and all about women empowerment and to my Rosebuds I know u guys get it and I LOOOOVE u so much for supporting me through all of this nonsense. Thank u -Amb

Since she arrived  in Ghana and shared some pictures, Ghanaians have taken it upon themselves to BASH her left right and center about her recent visit to the country. They have made it a point to criticize EVERYTHING she's done even though it was all positive actions and it was done with good intentions. They have been trying to interview her and use her words against her.

But the truth is Amber Rose's comments are ALWAYS taken out of context. Whether a blog uses her for hits or they take pleasure in bullying her they don't KNOW her to judge her and her story. I know that Amber Rose means well and its absolute BULLSHIT that people have to scrutinize her.
She has made mistakes and is trying to help others to avoid doing the same.

Its so retarded that because she's a woman she gets picked on.

This is a video where she got interviewed

She was right about inequality when she was mentioning that there is  no middle class. She may have not worded it properly but there is no denying the fact that in Ghana and all around the world there is Economic Inequality. It is a reality of this world, and "the gap between the rich and the poor" is something that should noted  which is EXACTLY what she wants to address.

The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. That's why its important to find ways to help those who don't have opportunities and to inspire the few that do to make use of their opportunities to make the world a BETTER place.

If Amber Rose wants to help those that are less fortunate ALL THE POWER TO HER.
She is setting a great example. What are all the people criticizing her doing to bring positive change to the world? Criticizing her won't change anything. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE HATERS!

I mean, I remember when Angelina Jolie used to be all crazy and then she had a life changing experience in Africa. Now she is an advocate for Human Rights and is respected worldwide for her philanthropic vision and devotion.

Angelina changed, why don't people believe that Amber Rose can change for the better too?

ps: to that journalist who tried to Bash Amber and he  proudly says he is a middle class person in Ghana.. What is HE doing to help his country raise the standard of living for the less fortunate?

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