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Thursday 2 June 2011

Rumors of a baby

 I HAVE NO CLUE why there are rumors going around that Amber is pregnant and tried to sell the news to the media. WTH?! lol Contrary to what jealous haters choose to believe about her because they envious ... That's not her steez! Nuh Way.

She even announced it on twitter ... She's NOT pregnant!

But In any case, I have no idea why, but I've noticed that  pregnancy is the most common  rumor that comes from gossip mags and blogs.
I don't understand why there are people who dedicate themselves to this kinda crap.  and in this case what on earth does making up a rumor about Amber Rose being pregnant do for them?
Do they do it for Attention? I mean, That's super duper LAME if you ask me.

I really don't understand why people waste their time on crap like that. Don't they have a life or something better to do?  They're contributing nothing to the world by doing that... and most importantly their setting a terrible example for others.

I personally think that Media outlets should be used more responsibly. I mean C'mon SOn! If you have a chance to use your voice you should do something positive with it... not fill the world with BS.
 And one way or another, karma is gonna get the fool that chooses to do wrong to others.

I kno Amber's got nothing to worry about. She's human and she may make mistakes but she has a beautiful soul and good intentions. I know with the heart and spirit that she has she'll do great things in her life.

 I'd love to see her one day start her own foundation for women. I know she said in an interview once that before she can help other women she wants to make sure she resolves all her personal problems first. That's incredibly mature, and self-awareness is lackin in people nowadays.

I've been through alot myself so I know that the first step to moving forward is self-awareness and the will to move forward. I can tell that Amber has the same mindset!

Heart you Amb!

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